Monday, 6 February 2012

Treasure....our real purpose in life is to find treasure, some of us don't know what we want to be when we grow up, some of us don't know if we have a purpose to life. Truth being is that you are growing and the best you can do is be you, not a certain character, you don't need somebody's reason to know your purpose because you are already in life for a purpose, you just need to discover it. We are all searching for the treasure, when you think of the world as a whole, the chances of finding the treasure are limited, but when you look around you, you have possible chances. We always wonder why God brought us to the places we are at (the country, the family, the city, the town and the environment), it is because he gives us a clue that your treasure is somewhere around you and that you don't have to search the world to get it. Some of us are sitting in front of the treasure box but don't have the key to it, some of us have the key but we don't have the strength to bring ourselves to opening it. Some of us have hope but there is a little doubt. We then realise that our treasure is the discovery of our selves, the key to open is being truthful to you just like a code to a safe, just exactly as the digits are and you should be you, that is how you should be or you will always look at the treasure but wonder what's in it. Don't stare at others, wishing you had that bravery to open it, actually do stare so that you see what it feels like to find your treasure maybe then you will know how to value things in life. Because some things come easy but it's the difficulty that comes with it when you have to keep it.

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