Saturday, 14 January 2012

I know the year has already started but I would like to talk about it. I love how people have new year's resolutions, it gives hope and some excitement. Never in my life have I pledged for something, I've always seen everything the same, the only thing I thought was different is that it's just a change of the title "2012". Last year(2011) really got to me, I discovered somethings. There was something different about this year .......:)....... I made a resolution, something I never in a million years did I think I'd consider. Now I believe that it's true when they say "each person has their year", I feel like it's my year "20self". I had always lived my life on peoples expectations and almost begging for them to believe in me. This year is all a twist, I do believe that I will make it, I am a person who is always willing to learn. You know when you have a nightmare, it haunts you even on a daily light, my dream haunts me to make it happen. It feels like a must, a monster that I cannot control. Not do it because I want to be known, but do it because I want to heal, give hope, be an example of good. I met the love of my life, I am not rushing into anything, I am more than inspired to be patient as this love is patient with me. You know when I left high school, I didn't know who I was, untill six months down the line when I realised that my talent is worth of something. Even thou I didn't believe much in myself then, I still kept on doing what I love, it never stopped me, never left me. At times I get so scared that I chase it away, but it always finds its way to come in. At times it says nothing, and I stare at it. I used to plan with a crowed, but the crowed would back out, I was so afraid to face it alone but that got me nowhere, I've learnt to hold the knife by the blade. I plan alone but I want to share with the crowed. At times when you look back, you asked "why" with tears flowing down, and now you looking forward and saying "this is why" with a smile. I am a visionary, I think of what is impossible but still enjoy it because it adds to my positivity, I know it won't come out as I visioned it but it will be something similar. I am brave enough to take on the universe, I have small tools, I will be picking up some along the way but hey I will be working towards to building my FR (FantasyReality). Do you feel that this year is yours too? Are you brave enough to take the world heads on? I don't care how small it is, you are making progress and you are making it happen. Make sure you are not doing it for them, make it for you. Be selfless at it and think about those,they need people like you in their world, be visible. YamkyFunky on the go....

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