Friday, 23 November 2012

Dancing feelings

I hear the sound that the silent people cannot hear, the beat moves with my heart, my mind starts to question... what is wrong with you? I don't respond, all I do is dance to my feelings.

My heart is the only instrument that understands the melody, my feet are just following, while my hands are just flowing in the air, my hair is swaying like the rivers of my home land, the Xhosa land.

If I understood what was going on I would be telling a story, the children would be surrounding me, listening, but now my feelings are just dancing.

The soul is so quiet, watching from a distance, only it can respond to what my mind is asking... it is silent because it is taught to do so, it is quiet because it was told to do so.

My feelings are dancing to what my heart is playing, if the music was sad then I'd be crying, if the music was happy then I'd be laughing, but I'm just trapped.

It's easier to unfold my hands, than to unfold my soul. Let the beats roll, and let the soul dance to the tunes until it learns to let go.